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BEC - World Leader in Orgone Technology
The Site of Karl Hans Welz, the Inventor of the OrgoneGenerator®, Orgonite® and orgone energy boosted manifestation technologies
Atlanta, USA 770 783 0563 - Budapest, Hungary +36 204 688 180
Yes!!! you can Video-Call us Online, you can see and experience the Orgone Generators® of your choice and find out from one of our specialists how you can use this exciting new technology to help you achieve manifestation of your deepest desires in particular and positive permanent change in general !!!
Live Help Online Our Skype Address:  chitechnology
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Pet care, reaction of pets to Orgone

People who have cats notice almost immediately their reaction to the Orgone Generator®.  Cats love to play with some invisible thing in front of the silver tubing, i.e., they are trying to catch the "little blue flame" that some people, especially children, can see as well.  

We do not know if cats actually see the same thing that people see.  We just observe that they play with something.  In general, cats and other animals feel very comfortable when they are close to any Orgone Generator® or to a transfer disk.

After close observation you will notice just how many pets react to the generator of orgone energy, which energizes them just as well as it can energize human beings. 
Orgone energy certainly can contribute to your pet's overall well-feeling by energizing it and by balancing its life functions.
Charge the water that your pet drinks with the AO 2000, charge the food it eats and energize the supplements and herbs that you give to your pet.

It is also an ideal method to charge the water in aquariums.

Applications of orgone energy
orgone generators® optimize water

better food, herbs and supplements

orgone generators® for plants
counteract EMF pollution, DOR
orgone generators® for weight loss
fitness training and body building
intellect, creativity, mental skills
gaming, gambling, stocks, trading
orgone to boost potency and sex
orgone generators®, love and sex
orgone, leadership and politics
orgone generators® and marketing
Water Optimizer AO 1100

Orgone Generator® LPOG HD 2400

Water Optimizer AO 2000 Orgone Generator® PCHD 2400
Orgone Generators® JU 99 Series
Orgone Generator® JU 1000
Orgone Shooter CEG 1000
Orgone Generator® LPOG DL 2400
Orgone Generator® PFC 2000

Copyright© 1996, 2007, 2010, 2012 by Karl Hans Welz.
this equipment is not designed for healing of any kind.